So, Twitter…

So I’ve just joined Twitter, Not entirely sure what to expect.

I’ve mainly done it because I want to get updates from certain entrepreneurs and philanthropists that I usually check out on my social networks of choice, the issue that I hope twitter solves for me is that I can track posts by people I like across a multitude of social media platforms all in one place.

The reason Twitter should solve a whole load of problems for me is that I’m not personally on Facebook, Sure My company will have a facebook account, for that timeline seems perfect, but on a personal level I just don’t like my life to be that on display.

Lets face it in our late teens, 90% of us have done things that are embarrassing and stupid, unfortunately the result of the invention of facebook is that now, our friends, family and acquaintances will post this debacles for the world to see, and try as you might to de-tag yourself you can’t delete other peoples pictures and posts.

This presents a problem, in that, as a person with a history of youthful mishaps, my being on facebook could potentially display my younger ignorance, even though I’m not the same person now that I was back then, it could taint my image.

So I naturally, having realised the mistakes of my youth I disconnected my account over a year ago and haven’t looked back.

// This doesn’t mean I’m free yet though, thanks to the facebook license agreement, they still have rights to display and keep my data without me for 5 years after I deactivated my account. //

So back to Twitter, twitter finishes the loop, repairing the social media hole that Facebook left when they switched to timeline, which is what spurred my leaving facebook in the first place.

So if you like my blog you might want to follow me on twitter @HelpImAnExpat, so that you can catch all my posts, articles and ventures scattered across the internet.

Which reminds me, If you’re not yet following The B Team on LinkedIn, and I really recommend that you do, you will have missed some of the awesome discussions going on over there, such as this one ( started by me ) and this one ( started by Alexander Blau ) //You see! Twitter will solve the issue of me forgetting to tell you about all the awesome world changing discussions that I find for you between blog posts.//

Good huh?

Anyway enough a bout Twitter. It’s time to make sticky buns for dessert.

Speak soon,


One Response to “So, Twitter…”
  1. Lavinia says:

    I am on twitter but I find it so hard to keep up with the tweets. I need more training, I think:))) I am Facebook person.

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